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6 Reasons You Should Use a Media Wall Sign

6 Reasons You Should Use a Media Wall Sign

In this article, we’re going to discuss how a branded media wall sign can benefit your business and get you noticed in Vancouver. 

Whether it's a product launch, corporate event, or unveiling a new brand, your goal remains the same: to send a clear message to a target audience, media, and observers. While there are lots of creative ways to send a message, a branded media wall is by far the most innovative. 

A media wall sign is a creative way to display news and information about your business, brand, product, or service. It can be used in combination with social media, PR and you'll have an eye-catching campaign that gets your company's name out there in a big way.

The branded media wall is ideal for any special event, press conference, product introduction or announcement. Branding your media wall not only puts your business in the spotlight but also boosts your existing advertising.

How Does A Branded Media Wall Sign Work?

A branded media wall involves displaying your company name/brand, logo, and products on a large medium. Whatever you display on your media wall depends entirely on what you're trying to achieve with the promotion.

If you're introducing a new product or service, an attractive banner is meant to draw the attention of anyone passing by your media wall.  With vibrant colours, appropriate fonts and an eye-catching design, your media wall display instinctively captures the attention of the intended audience.

What Are The Benefits of A Branded Media Wall Sign?

Almost anyone can use a media wall sign because there are so many different options and ideas. Here are a few advantages: 

1 - It fosters engagement among the event participants and guests.

The media wall serves as a gathering place for everyone to view and interact with the messaging.  It creates excitement and energy around the event. It's a common sight in corporate and media events, where the invitees and participants take pictures with the wall as the backdrop.

2 - A branded media wall sign gives a major boost to existing advertising campaigns. 

The branded wall is a great marketing tool because it reaches beyond the event. It's ideal for events that are promoting an already established brand or business. It works best when you're introducing a new product or service intending to reach a wider audience.

3 - You take advantage of the branded media wall sign to promote (and thank) your sponsors. 

Using a branded media wall to display logos, manufacturers, and businesses an excellent way of showing appreciation to your sponsorship partners. 

Sponsors are thrilled with the exposure and opportunity for their brand to stand out amongst the crowd. This also makes your company look good in front of your sponsors because you're giving them favourable treatment.

4 - It helps achieve your goal of getting more people involved. 

A branded media wall is an excellent way to get people excited. Your audience will ask about it, and this automatically draws them into the event. Branding your media wall even extends to your digital (online) presence since people are likely to talk about the event on social media. 

5 - Small brands and upstart companies use it to generate interest. 

For new businesses, it offers a great opportunity to get noticed. Since you're using the same medium and approach as established brands, onlookers will assume that your business is equally established or reputable.  A branded media wall helps break down barriers between potential customers and builds brand trust.

6 - It's very cost-efficient and easy to execute. 

Using a branded media wall as part of your event promotion is affordable and simple to pull off. You don't need any fancy equipment or layouts for the design; just put up an attractive banner, and you're done. Even the making of the banner itself can be cost-effective if you opt to have it customized.

DIY or Hire a Vancouver Signage Company?

While it's possible to create your own branded media wall, the benefit of hiring a professional is undeniable.  Professional designers get the job done faster and more efficiently, plus they know what works best with different events and target audiences.

As mentioned earlier, having a branded media wall sign at an event increases its exposure online because people will be posting pictures and writing about it on social media.  This means that, as the organizer of the event, you'll reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness. But you do need a design that resonates with the public, not just your target audience. A professional designer will help you with that.

Planning Your Branded Media Wall 

You have two options here: digital or print-based display. If you're promoting a new service or product, it's best to go with a digital display. This gives you the flexibility of changing out images and messaging as needed. Print is the better option if you're using it to promote an already established brand or image. 

Be sure that images are sharp and crisp; use high-resolution products, especially when printing. The best materials for a media wall should be acid-free to maintain clarity and prevent discolouration.

Before you get started on your branding, it pays to do some research about the theme of your event. Figure out the essentials, i.e., colours and fonts. Determine if you want the wall to be modern, traditional, or even rustic. 

Once you have this information, it's easier for your designer to create a visual that matches it. You can also determine which materials and sizes are the most suitable for your event.

Contact The Best Vancouver Sign Company Today 

Branded media walls are usually located in a central area like the registration booth or inside the venue itself.  This gives attendees a focal point or conspicuous location, which helps generate buzz about the event. 

Finally, if you want to maximize the impact of your branded media wall, there's always an option to hire an event management firm that values quality above all else. Meanwhile, hiring a professional design contractor is a reasonable alternative if you only need help with a visually appealing media wall. 

If you have any questions about a branded media wall, please don’t hesitate to reach out to BC Retails Supplies, providing high-quality signs for Vancouver, the Lower Mainland, and the Fraser Valley.